Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I haven't posted all month and I am disappointed in myself! Here is a summary of our February 2010 so far:
-Celebrated my sister's 23rd birthday, dinner at Fuji for the first time. Very good, much nicer than Shogun even though they cleaned the grill with vodka; quite shocking!
-Ate the top tier of our wedding cake for Valentine's Day/4month anniversary. Many told us it would be gross by our one year anniversary so we went for it early! We agreed no gifts but Odis of course ended up buying me chocolates and the Notebook, a movie I have wanted for awhile. He cooked chicken alfredo and we had wine with it-PERFECT, DELICIOUS dinner:)
-Odis has been doing guitar lessons again. The extra money helps us out and he is teaching something he loves. It also gives me time to finish homework, read, clean, etc.
-This week starts our busiest week all month. Tomorrow I have a facial, which excites me GREATLY. Facials and massages and manicures aren't my thing but before Christmas Odis bought a little spa pack from someone at Arvest that gives four appointments for $50. Friday night will be Beauticontrol party at my sister and Jayme's place. More pampering=less stress. Saturday Odis and I head to Poteau for haircuts. I'm stoked because I am getting something new! This week marks three weeks left until our belated HONEYMOON!!!!!!!!!! Counting down the days and thanking God for time to get away. He has blessed each of us so much.
Here's some pics-Odis playing out with a couple bands lately and snow at Odis' mom's house:

Friday, January 29, 2010


Well, actually SLEEEET but still, it's pretty!

Big Move-BIGger Storm

So this weekend...like starting NOW...is the weekend we are might be moving. Ice storm has begun everywhere but Fort Smith and around noon it should be hitting here. Not supposed to improve much through the weekend. I will keep my hopes up though because who knows, maybe we cold always sit on our loads of boxes and sliiide to the new place?

Here's what Myles is up to:

He has been chewing on "something" since I got home this morning. I go to check it out and lo and behold, he's gotten his food scoop and is chewing to shreds. He turend TWO years old in December. Maybe I'm mistaken but I thought chewing everything in sight up was a puppy thing! I no doubt love him no less though:)

Saturday, January 16, 2010


After a lot of searching and equal amounts of stress, we have found a new place to live. Still in Fort Smith, it's the best fit for us whil I'm in college. We'll be moving to another duplex, fewer rooms and $100 less per month on rent + they pay the water bill! The owner works in the same Arvest branch as Odis too, so that's nice. We will be having a yard sale FOR SURE because all you have to do is glance in our current 3bed/2bath duplex to know that the things we have now will NEVER fit into the new place. February 1st is our move in date-we are thankful that God alllowed us to find a nice place so quickly!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Break's OVER!

Been awhile since I have been able to have a seat, chill, and just write on here. So, what have the Baxters been doing lately?

Christmas came and went like always-too quickly! It was fun seeing everyone but bittersweet as we realized our first Christmas as a married couple wouldn't be filled with surprises for each other...being married, as with most couples, means going without most of the time. Money is scarce and the economy right now doesn't help. It was SWEET though in th realization that all we truly need to make it is each other right behind our faith and trust in God. We must never forget that and constantly show it to others.

New Year's Eve was pretty blah, we have no TV and our normal NYE routine is to "ring it in" with close friends Calvin and Mandy. They were out of town, however, and so we said goodbye to 2009 alone---
2009: The year....I finally fell into what I was destined to do, education, changed my major to it and switched jobs for it; Odis realized many things about the corporate world and just how scary and mean it can be; we vacationed in Florida and have memories that will be with us always; we GOT MARRIED!!!! October 17 is now "our day" and the months we counted down are now gone and it's hard to believe months have passed since; we saw that once the wedding is over-so is the glitz and being married is NOT about being in love but about the committment, to be together, to support, and that you have to make your own happiness together once you realize just how alone you now are with each other; and most importantly we GREW...in the most important way-in Christ. 2009 will definately go down as the most stressful year of our lives so far.

Our hope is that 2010 sees more happiness and continued growth towards God and towards each other as we see what He has in store for us.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Home ?sweet? Home

We are officially looking for another place to live. I'm a person that thrives on "mixing it up" every 6 months to a year, but this time-not so much. I love cherish ADORE where we currently live and I can't imagine what being anywhere else would be like. But I am changing jobs in a few days, which means less money coming our way-and such is life.